Be respectful towards other players. Excessive cursing, harassment and rudeness will not be tolerated.
Spamming is not appreciated.
Avoid linking:
Questionable material - (e.g. NSFW material, shock sites, viruses and phishing website pages)
Other websites which don't suit our server ruleset.
Don't encourage others to break any of our rules/guidelines.
Report all bugs/issues to staff members immediately (create a support ticket). Any exploitation of bugs or exploits of any kind will result in termination.
In-Game Rules & Guidelines
If you're caught breaking one of the following rules, your chance of a successful appeal will be very slim.
No Cheating - modifications which give you an unfair advantage over other players are not permitted. Lists of allowed and dis-allowed modifications are shown below. Please note: these lists are subject to change at any time.
The mods shown below are not allowed on the kPvP servers. This list could change at any time.
The mods shown below are allowed on the kPvP servers. This list could change at any time.
Optifine/Client Performance Enhancing Mods
ArmorStatusHUD, StatusEffectHUD and DirectionHUD mods (and similar mods)
Respect other players' privacy - sharing of others' personal information is prohibited. 'Personal information' includes (but isn't limited to):
Real first, middle and last names
Landline, mobile or business phone numbers
IP Address
Current location
Social Media accounts (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.)
Skype username
No Threats (DDoS, 'Swatting', etc.) - these actions aren't only prohibited on our servers, but also in the real world. If you're caught threatening (whether it be a joke or a real threat), you'll be banned from all of our services. If you're found to partake in such activities, you'll be reported without notice.
No Scamming/Phishing - anyone found to be soliciting another player's account(s) will be banned without warning and will not be unbanned. Actions include (but aren't limited to):
Sending fake username/password entry forms
Asking for a password via a private message
Tricking other users into sending their password in the chat or a private message
Out-Of-Game Rules & Guidelines
Forum Guidelines
Avoid insulting other users and provoking them into making rule-breaking posts.
Don't 'bump' posts or threads uselessly unless the content is useful to a current situation.
Avoid posting irrelevant information in a thread which doesn't add to the current discussion.
Don't spam a thread asking for it to be closed, PM a forum moderator or admin to get it closed.
TeamSpeak Guidelines
Do not impersonate other users or staff members whilst on TeamSpeak.
Use of your in-game name whilst on TeamSpeak will enable easy identification.
Don't 'spam-join' channels or be a nuisance while on the TeamSpeak server.
Don't stop other users from using our TeamSpeak server, this includes (but is not limited to): Attempts to crash a users TeamSpeak client
These rules may be changed at anytime without prior notification and/or approval of any user
Contact Us
If you would like to contact us, please choose from the email addresses below.