kPvP is closing click here for info

Author Commit Description When Type
njb_saidf140b46Support for a page changing twitter card10 years agoWeb
njb_said4f4a6faLast seen DOES work now10 years agoWeb
njb_said47c34aeMoved forum parents to funcs10 years agoWeb
njb_said1cf7206Added /count10 years agokKits
njb_saidd024c2ePossible fix for last seen10 years agoWeb
njb_said27133f7Renamed list and added method to get player names10 years agokEvent
njb_said019248bInteraction with bitbucket api, fallbacks for dev mode and added link to revision on footer10 years agoWeb
njb_saidc71a348Added appeal authenticity10 years agoWeb
njb_saidN/AAdd appeal column for tickets10 years agoSQL
njb_said130069dFix plural count for staff10 years agoWeb
njb_saidbb2d086Add chat redirect10 years agoWeb
CakePvP76da2f4Lots of updates to /shop10 years agokKits
CakePvP5eec768Removing /private warps10 years agokKits
CakePvPb379c9bRepairing now alerts nearby players10 years agokKits
AeroPvPce7e394Added a utility to grab staff's uuids10 years agoWeb
CakePvPba99785Re-Adding kit updating signs10 years agokKits