kPvP is closing click here for info

Author Commit Description When Type
AeroPvP8695f9eDocumentation of API classes10 years agokCore
AeroPvP7c9c9f5Cleanup of the features package10 years agokKits
AeroPvP079226bConsistency in the addons package10 years agokKits
AeroPvPc6f6b9aCached api10 years agoWeb
njb_saidc7ce06dEdited rotation view10 years agoWeb
CakePvPbea3180Adding Disabler kit10 years agokKits
njb_said6b82212Privacy for invisible people (/count)10 years agokKits
njb_said1f49954Fixed health on death10 years agokEvent
njb_saidN/ADeploy script setup for dev server10 years agoWeb
njb_saida3594acFixed broken sessions10 years agoWeb
njb_said7bdbd49Added reputations!10 years agoWeb
njb_said6033bdaFormatted time ago a bit10 years agoWeb
njb_said2e59accMoved api file to seperate files10 years agoWeb
njb_saida4a8081Add tooltip to current version10 years agoWeb
njb_said231d8a7Deleted old api files10 years agoWeb
njb_said24aa75fPretty'd up account verify10 years agoWeb