kPvP is closing click here for info

Author Commit Description When Type
AeroPvP9934e71Change chat-report format10 years agoWeb
AeroPvPf060136Forgot to re add the button10 years agoWeb
AeroPvP1a9f659Re-add recent content10 years agoWeb
AeroPvP39402ffFixing the forums10 years agoWeb
CakePvPfe94e22Using maven - finally10 years agokCore
AeroPvP6335880Support ticket pagination10 years agoWeb
AeroPvP4e13dbfFixing forum 404s10 years agoWeb
AeroPvPeaf24f2Make 404 pages actually return 404 now10 years agoWeb
CakePvP500b57eAdding /editsign10 years agokCore
CakePvPd3f007fFixing incorrect message shown for kicking10 years agokCore
CakePvPac8c672Adding different kinds of feast drop + random dropping times10 years agokKits
AeroPvP25ec4f1Fixed link to reputation giver10 years agoWeb
AeroPvPf02cab3Fix blank validation and prevent errors10 years agoWeb
AeroPvP8d6fc11Only validate if there's something in the field10 years agoWeb
AeroPvP7a07dfcValidate email on page load10 years agoWeb
AeroPvP7d58755Decrease page load times10 years agoWeb