kPvP is closing click here for info

Author Commit Description When Type
AeroPvPN/ADeployed at commit 01c450010 years agoWeb
njb_saidN/AFixed an old typo for list conversion10 years agokCore
njb_saidN/ARefactor of variable for reverseLookup10 years agokCore
njb_saidN/ACaching reverse lookups for uuids10 years agokCore
njb_saidN/AFixed string arrays10 years agokCore
njb_saidN/AUpdated multi to use new rank methods (uuids) and added %p10 years agokEvent
njb_saidN/AAdded %p to multi10 years agokKits
njb_saidN/AIncreased UUID caching and performance10 years agokKits
njb_saidN/AConverted to UUIDs10 years agokKits
njb_saidN/AConverted to UUIDs10 years agokCore
AeroPvPN/AConverted most tables to UUIDs10 years agoSQL
njb_saidN/AIncreased hashing10 years agoWeb
njb_saidN/AAdded achievements page10 years agoWeb
njb_saidN/AAdded like count10 years agoWeb
CakePvPN/ACreated repo10 years agoHub
AeroPvPN/ADeployed at commit 479f25a10 years agoWeb